5 tips a traveler would never want to hear

Advice is to be given, not to be followed, said one.

Seriously with the advent of the internet and various groups on social networks every day I read a lot of travel tips which are bestowed on the right and also missing by those who probably never went on a trip.

Di travel tips there are many, but these 5 are the ones that I personally would not like to hear anymore, or that at least should be reasoned without being taken as gold standard.

You are crazy to go there, it is dangerous, you could be robbed or suffer horribly

This could be a good advice that you should follow, MA...

5 tips a traveler would never want to hearNot long ago I opened my eyes to a fairly glaring fact: an Indian friend of mine was terrified to come with me to the alleys of Genoa because before leaving her country they had told her that it was very dangerous. She expected everything: murderers, thieves, rapists, in short, a place from which it is practically impossible to escape unscathed ... clearly always if you can get out of it.

The same fear that our friends / relatives feel for abroad are experienced by the relatives of foreigners who come here. So…

Then do not listen too much to all the rumors that are being told around but first of all try to get in touch with someone who lives in that country and ask them about the situation safety, if it really is off-limits as you have been told. Then read up on other sources, read travel guides, ask about the experiences of those who have been there and CAREFULLY ASSESS the situation. The world, fortunately, is not such a dangerous place to live.

Don't eat street food or street food in general!

Those who travel know it well: sooner or later a stomach ache happens. And I also believe that this is the worst advice that they can give you. Of course, the precautions in some countries are better to take and even use a little bit of common sense avoiding raw foods (especially seafood) and preferring banquets where you see that there is a lot of marketing (and therefore the risk that the stuff has been there for a while decreases) and where you see that many locals eat.

5 tips a traveler would never want to hear

Giving up street food is one of the worst things you can do when visiting a country because food is the most direct way to get in touch with the soul and identity of a place.

And then, to paraphrase a great traveling chef: are you sure that spend a night on the toilet not worth it if you've just eaten the best meal of your life?

Don't go to the hostel, choose the hotel

I've never made a mystery of it, I like the hostel a lot. Hotel and hostel are born with two different concepts, but it is not necessarily said that one is better than the other.

THE hostel is not a place for flea backpackers as many believe, but above all in some countries they are now extremely welcoming accommodations, which provide many facilities to the traveler such as the availability of private rooms with bathroom.

5 tips a traveler would never want to hear

But the reason I think the hostel is great accommodation is the presence of a nice common area where travelers have the opportunity to meet and, in addition to getting to know each other, exchanging useful information on the country where you are.

Clearly, as there are poor hotels, there are also poor hostels, so before choosing one, always read the reviews and perhaps you may find it convenient to read too. this article.

Don't go to this place, it's too touristy

Indeed a bit of frustration rises when, after hours and hours on a plane, time zone on time zone, you finally arrive at the much-dreamed Thai beach and find yourself in the midst of a throng of tourists such that not even on the Romagna coast. in August. But let me tell you one thing. Many travelers for this reason take these tourist spots off their itineraries and I think they make a big mistake.

5 tips a traveler would never want to hear

A good itinerary should always be balanced between tourist places and travel a little outside the mass tourism. Often if a place has become so touristy there is a reason, or if a country has become famous for that place, it means that it really deserves a visit despite the millions of other tourists you will find.

In short, you would be really really happy to visit Paris without seeing the Eiffel tower or Notre Dame? I, sincerely, No..

Don't travel alone

5 tips a traveler would never want to hear

I have often heard that it would be better for women not to travel alone.

I have been traveling for years and, fortunately, I have never found myself in difficult situations that made me change my mind about travel alone. Accidents do happen, but they can happen even if you stay at home and most of the accidents that can happen while traveling have nothing to do with sex.

Clearly in some countries it would be better for a girl to not go alone (and a man either), but for most places in the world if you keep a fair level of attention, the chances of something happening are quite low. The best advice in this case is not to not travel alone, but to keep the same precautions that you have in your own home and take some simple tricks.

On the other hand, have you ever received stupid travel advice? Tell me by writing them below in the comments.



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