What to see in Addis Ababa, the new flower of Ethiopia

    What to see in Addis Ababa, the new flower of EthiopiaAddis Ababa is the ideal base from which to start a journey to discover the most spectacular natural sites in Ethiopia.

    Addis Ababa it became the main city and political-administrative center of Ethiopia after Emperor Menelik II decided to make it his capital with the intention of finding a point geographically equidistant from the kingdom's borders. Its name, in the Amharic language, means "new flower". Its particular position, incentral plateau at the foot of Mount Entoto makes it a great place to start or use as a base to explore the natural wonders that surround it. In this guide we will discover some of the most beautiful and evocative naturalistic destinations in the surroundings of the city or a few hours' drive from it.

    The first destination is just outside the outskirts of Addis Ababa and can be reached by comfortable minibuses directly from the city center: it is the Entoto mountains, the mountain massif that forms a natural belt around the city. These mountains, which reach 3000 meters above sea level, have been covered with eucalyptus, planted at the behest of Menelik II, which form a real green lung for the city below.

    In 'Entoto National Park – less than an hour's drive from Addis Ababa – you can take part in suggestive excursions in the forest, where the guides will show you the great variety of bird species that live among the large trees, and then arrive at the large church of Entoto Maryam , an imposing octagonal structure that was the site of the coronation of Menelik II in 1882 and which houses a small museum that traces the history of the kingdom of Ethiopia.

    Still in the surrounding area, traveling west you will arrive at Menagesha National Forest, accessible from the village of Sebeta, about twenty kilometers from Addis Ababa: a lush mountain forest where some trees that are more than 400 years old grow. Local legend has it that this was the first protected area in all of Africa, since in 1600 the emperors of Ethiopia claimed it as their direct and exclusive possession. It is said that some emperors were crowned right under its mighty trees. In the forest you can organize a beautiful excursion among the vegetation to observe the magnificent parrots that live among the trees and the large colonies of arboreal monkeys.

    Just outside Addis Ababa, heading south-east, you will find the city of Debre Zeyt, which owes its fame to the volcanic lakes where swimming and water sports are allowed all year round. This city, which has changed its name several times over the years – from Ada during the Italian occupation, to Bishoftu – is the destination of the seaside tourism local from Addis Ababa. Despite the sometimes excessive development of tourist facilities in recent years, the lakes still retain a magical and enchanted appearance with their colored waters and spectacular colonies of aquatic birds. The largest and most famous lakes are Bishoftu and Hora, around which the most modern hotels have been built, while if you are looking for a more solitary experience you will have to move slightly further away to the Babogaya and Kuriftu lakes, from which you can admire a wonderful volcanic landscape at the foot of Mount Yerer.

    Continuing the journey, 4,5 hours by car from Debre Zeyt or 5,5 hours starting from Addis Ababa, in an east-southeast direction you will find yourself in front of the Awash National Park, one of the main nature parks in Ethiopia, very famous for its geological conformations due to the volcanic activity which over the geological eras has produced very suggestive lava structures. Inside the park you can take part in the photographic safari which starts on a regular basis to closely observe the large mammals that live in the protected area, mostly gazelles, oryxes and wildebeests, but you can also meet lions and hyenas, which are concentrated in the northern area of ​​the park towards Mount Fantale.

    The most evocative area of ​​the park is the Awash Gorge, a narrow canyon carved by water that ends with spectacular waterfalls that plunge into a 150 meter plunge into a body of water inhabited by large crocodiles. If you want to do a long hike you can take the path to the top of the Mount Fantale, where there is a spectacular volcanic lake 3,5 kilometers in diameter, which in the early morning takes on a surreal appearance, when steam rises from the water and in the silence of the wild nature the roars of lions can be heard in the distance. Before leaving the park, visit the local museum, very interesting to learn about the details of the park's fauna and the interesting geological history of the area.

    Once back in Addis Ababa, plan a new excursion towards Ambo, a famous one spa town about 100 kilometers from the state capital; the road can be traveled by car in about 2,5 hours. The city offers some interesting tourist realities that have arisen around the thermal springs and a lively city market which concentrates many traders of local artisan products and a rich selection of local gastronomic specialties. After a short stop, continue south to reach the slopes of the mountain Wenchi (or Wonchi), an ancient volcano, now inactive, which houses a large turquoise lake in its caldera.

    All excursions and visits to Mount Wenchi start from the local tourist office, from which you can rent an off-road vehicle or go on a horseback ride to visit the main destination in the area: the thermal springs of Lake Wenchi. These springs, from which it flows hot, sulphurous water, have been known for millennia for their healing qualities; in fact, in the surrounding caves you can often find pilgrims and travelers who have come specifically from Addis Ababa or other places for treatment. The countryside around the springs is a place of great beauty, full of streams, water mills and grazing horses that deserve to be seen in complete tranquility.

    The other important destination to visit in the crater area is the island of Cherkos in the center of the lake, where there is a picturesque stone church which houses the bell of Gonder, forged by one of the emperors of Ethiopia in 1600 and today preserved Of Monks of this small island. Before returning to lively and chaotic Addis Ababa, the best choice is to spend a night camped near the enchanted landscape of the springs.

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