Brazil Boipeba Island, slow travel Boipeba Island is located in the south of Bahia, Brazil, and was elected in 2013 by Trip Advisor as the second best island in South America. The island is part ofArchipelago of Tinharé and is located 356 Km (222 miles) from Salvador, the capital of Bahia. Boipeba […]
Brazil Guide and Tips for a Trip to Brazil Il Brazil is the country with the largest and most varied territory in the South America. White beaches dotted with the fronds of tall shovels, cobbled streets flanked by colorful colonial houses, baroque churches, Carnival, the aromas of spices, capoeira. […]
Brazil Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Some beaches in Brazil are among the most beautiful and famous in the world, of which the best is certainly the Ipanema beach. This beach is the most famous in Rio de Janeiro and it is the favorite meeting place for celebrities, supermodels, but also for homeless […]
Brazil One day on the Chapada Diamantina Panorama of the Chapada Diamantina from the morro of Pai Ignacio My traveling companions have already been asleep for about ten minutes. Alessandra, daughter of flowers and hottie, sleeps with her head leaning against the window of the old ash blue pickup, she […]