How to Dress in Morocco: Advice on Proper Dressing

Although there is no code or law (as in Iran for example) that forces you to wear certain clothes over others, choose how to dress in Morocco it may not be as simple as you imagine: however, the only rule that exists is to use common sense.

Don't pay attention to the fashionable outfits you find on instagram, blogs or google images: it is true that in Morocco you don't have to dress like a sack of potatoes, but it is equally true that you are traveling to a Muslim country and trying to respect the local culture it's essential (hey guys, we're travelers!)

Let me first of all tell you how I think: the beauty of a woman is not inversely proportional to what she wears, that is, the more naked you are, the more beautiful you are. There beauty of a woman it is in her behavior, in her awareness and in her femininity, in her sweetness and delicacy: you can be gorgeous even covered from head to toe!

Below you find my tips on how to dress in Morocco: I tried to put things you probably already have in your closet so you won't have to go shopping to get ready for the trip!

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How to dress in Morocco? First rule: respect!

As I wrote earlier, there is no law that tells you how to dress in Morocco. The first rule, however, is respect. Use common sense.

Not only the clothing you choose can disrespect or embarrass the local people: understanding what to wear will have a big impact on your experience in Morocco because it could also affect how Moroccans can treat you.

The first rule you should follow on how to dress in Morocco, it should respect the importance that Islam places on modesty: Clothes and accessories should not be made to attract attention or excessively reveal the body. And this rule doesn't just apply to women, but also for men.

So forget it bare shoulders (even if you want to visit the desert and even if the photos you see on the web seem cool to you), dĂ©colletĂ© too exposed, shorts and crotch skirts that leave a large portion of legs in plain sight and especially always wear a bra.

Also with regards to modesty, avoid displaying designer or too tight clothes that highlight all your (beautiful) shapes, jewels and precious things.

In cities like Marrakech, where locals are used to Western women, you can afford to wander more discovery (without exaggerating), while in more conservative villages less accustomed to tourists you should cover yourself a little more.

Also keep in mind that you may want to visit some religious places (even if in Morocco the only mosque that non-Muslims can visit is that of Casablanca) and in this case you should cover, in addition to your shoulders, also your head, although in Morocco, unlike ofIran, is not mandatory wearing the hijab (the veil).

How to dress in Morocco: itinerary and period

How to Dress in Morocco: Advice on Proper Dressing

By Savvapanf Photo /

Let's also say that the outfit you choose will have to depend too from your itinerary e from the time you will visit Morocco.

In fact, Morocco has a very different territory: from cities to deserts, to mountains, to coastal resorts. Depending on what you choose to visit then you will have to pay more attention to the clothing to pack!

A lot will also depend on what you intend to do: if you wanted to visit just cities like Marrakech you can bring more casual clothing, but in case you want to go hiking or spend a night in the Merzouga desert then it is better to opt for more technical or sporty clothing.

In winter it can also be very cold, don't underestimate it. In some areas of the High Atlas you can find snow!

In every season of the year, fill your suitcase with pashminas, shawls and light scarves, you will see how comfortable they will be: you will use them a lot and also, they take up little space in your suitcase.

In the cities the climate is more temperate and temperatures are generally more regular throughout the year.

On the coast (in Essaouira for example) it is very windy so don't forget a k-way!

In the desert temperatures vary a lot not only from summer to winter, but also from day to night. Always carry warm underwear or a tracksuit with you to sleep in at night, a sweatshirt or a duvet.

Better to have something more than one less!

What shoes to wear

How to Dress in Morocco: Advice on Proper Dressing

At GaudiLab /

Let's start from the bottom and one of the most important things to pack: the boots.

In fact, you will probably walk a lot, both in the cities, in the desert, and if you decide to do some tours.

Comfortable shoes are essential. The roads are not like ours, they are full of pitfalls: donkey shit, holes, puddles and mud. Plus they are uphill and downhill, often so crowded that you won't see where you put your feet.

Whether they are leather sandals, sneakers (I always recommend them, even if they are not so instagrammable), flip flops or wedges, the important thing is that they are comfortable, do not hurt your feet and allow you to walk well in Medina without slipping.

Avoid high heels for the day. If you really can't do without them, you could bring a couple if you are planning to go out for dinner at some nice club or restaurant, but they are not good for the day.

If you go to the desert opt ​​for closed shoes, especially if you go in winter it could get cold!

However, a pair of flat sandals is another must: during the day it can be hot and you will prevent your feet from swelling.

I know they may not look that good in photos, but i miei Sandali Teva they are one of the best purchases I have ever made in my life and I have carried them around for years on all my travels: they have a fantastic grip that does not make me slip, they wash and dry quickly without staining or getting damaged and you can also use them to take a shower in case of a little more adventurous travel where you have to reduce the weight to the maximum!


Whether you are in Iran, in Iceland in winter, in Morocco or anywhere else in the world, a pair of leggings it should never be missing in your suitcase.

They are cheap, comfortable and have a thousand different uses: you can put them under your pants if you are cold, you can put them under a skirt so as not to show too much skin, under a dress or under a caftan.

You can use them for hiking, biking and even sleeping in them. In short, leggings are another item of clothing that you will use not only for your trip to Morocco, but also for a thousand other occasions.

From Decathlon you can find a practically infinite choice at a bargain price to say the least.

As for Morocco, always wear them under a long caftan, a dress, in short, anything that prevents you from putting your backside in plain sight.

Long skirts

Nobody forbids you to wear a long skirtindeed, in Morocco you will see that women only wear trousers in very exceptional cases.

Opt for long skirts that reach to the ankles, or at most just below the knee.

I use them a lot. They keep me cooler than my pants, give me freedom of movement, are comfortable to wash and are perfect for any occasion (but don't wear them in the desert!).

How to Dress in Morocco: Advice on Proper Dressing

My long red skirt is the first thing I pack. Here on Amazon you will find some beautiful ones!

And if you've been in Morocco for a long time, you might as well consider buying one Djellaba, the traditional long dress (which both men and women wear): there are beautiful ones, believe me, they don't have to be black and austere, there are some with different and very colorful patterns (and you will reuse it for other trips such as 'Egypt, Iran, basically for all hot countries!)


Avoid shorts: first of all they are not suited to the local culture, second the sun is strong and you could burn yourself. In addition, a long trousers serve as protection for insects.

I don't like jeans when I travel, I find them warm in the summer, cold in the winter and difficult to wash and dry.

No to pants with lace or transparency to leave your thong in plain sight.

Il men's trousers it must be long, again for the question of modesty: in Morocco you will see men with short-sleeved shirts, but you will hardly see any clubs with short shorts (unless they are very young boys or children)

In a country like Morocco, where it can be very hot during the day (obviously depends on the season) and cool in winter, the best pants are:

Linen pants: they are fresh, wide enough to let the air flow, easy to wash, dry quickly and take up little space in the suitcase. Consider dark-colored or nice thick linen trousers that avoid transparency.

Turkish trousers: my favorites, since I discovered them I have not given up on them anymore. They are as wide as skirts and therefore fresh, they leave you freedom of movement and there are both light and heavy ones and in a thousand different patterns.

I have a couple of THESE blacks and a couple of THESE greens from Virblatt (which I love and always carry them on all my travels), a couple of THESE and others bought in various stalls or shops around the world.

Turkish trousers are great also for men.

In the winter my advice is to buy a nice pair of modular trekking pants that cost little and are suitable for both hot and cold and that you can combine with your leggings!

T-shirts, sweaters and tank tops

No, avoid undershirts that are too low-cut, unless you want to wear them under a kimono or a caftan like THIS o THIS, which could be, indeed would be, a great idea.

My favorite shirts when I travel are the ethnic-style caftans in cotton: they cost very little (I have teased them around the world, but you can find them easily in the stalls or on the internet), they are light, comfortable to wear and there are a thousand colors, then you can wear them on just about anything.

See an example below:

How to Dress in Morocco: Advice on Proper Dressing

Il kimono it's great to give a touch of color to a tank top and to cover the shoulders: I'm not talking about a Japanese geisha style kimono, but a kimono like THIS.

Kimonos are so light and easy to wear, they hardly take up any space and they almost literally “make” my clothes themselves.

Jacket, which one to choose?

Whether you decide to visit Morocco in winter, April, autumn or summer, never underestimate of bring a jacket with you: even in summer there can be cool days and if like me you go to places like the High Atlas, for example, it could be really handy to have a jolly jacket in your suitcase!

In winter instead it can get cold, therefore bring a duvet.

I like to dress in layers: I generally always rate for a duvet like THIS thin but very warm (which when folded becomes really small) and a k-way that I put on in case it rains. Don't be fooled by the desert: it could rain there too.

If I'm cold I add a thick sweatshirt or a nice warm sweater underneath.

In the summer bring a sweatshirt for the evening on the town, while if you decide to camping in the desert also brings somethermal underwear: nights can be cold!

Veil, scarf or pashmina, an essential accessory

If you look at my photos of the various travels in the world that I have done (especially my 4 trips to Iran), you will notice that I have a lot of "veils".

In reality they are not veils, that is, some are, but most are normal scarves or shawls that you will surely have in the closet.

I have them in all colors and shapes for a reason: I'm crazy about them, they are one of those things that I always have behind me when I travel.

I have them in all colors, shapes, embroidered or smooth, in cotton, silk or even in a more acrylic material.

Bring at least one to Morocco e you will use it a lot. The best are those in cotton or silk: you can use them for the head, for the neck, for the sun and the wind, for the sand, for the cold ... in short, for everything.

On Amazon you can find a lot of them. My favorites are THIS from Desigual e THIS if you prefer something in solid color.

How to Dress in Morocco: Advice on Proper Dressing

Will I bring my costume? Of course!

Many have asked me: but in a conservative country how can Morocco be, can I bring my bathing suit? The answer is easy and always the same: certain!

If at the beach you may feel uncomfortable wearing your bikini, bring a swimsuit or one piece or a two-piece that is not really skimpy, you will have no problem using it in the swimming pools of the Riad!

And then
 if you go to Morocco you shouldn't miss out on an experience in a real one hammam of Marrakech!

How to dress in Morocco for men?

How to Dress in Morocco: Advice on Proper Dressing

At Michal Ballad /

I have devoted a lot more to women's clothes, but since I travel with my husband (most of the time) and I pack for him too, here are some tips on how to dress in Morocco for men!

In Morocco men of a certain age cannot wear (or rather they do not) short pants, while in young people or children you will see many. Also in this case, a pair of long soft trousers (linen for example) or trekking trousers are ideal.

Men can safely wear short sleeves in shirts or t-shirts and do not have to cover the head.

How to dress in Morocco (tips if you visit the desert)

How to Dress in Morocco: Advice on Proper Dressing

I deserts they can be an amazing travel destination: from camel rides or horseback rides, sand-boarding or just camping a night and star gazing, there is something adventurous, but also very romantic in the deserts.

However, it is also important to know how to dress in a place that, in terms of climate, could be a bit extreme. Here are some tips on how to dress in the desert, be it in Morocco or anywhere else!

Meanwhile, cover yourself in every season of the year: in summer the sun is hot, in winter it is cold, sometimes it can rain.

On some blogs they recommend black dresses: NO! While this may be fine for cities, if you visit the desert wear white / light, long-sleeved, long-legged clothing to protect you from the intense sun during the day and the cold in the evening. Deserts get very cold at night, so that's important also bring warm clothes.

During the day, the sun is hot and therefore try to avoid clothes or bare shoulders: it is stupid to think of putting cream everywhere, you could find yourself breaded and fried with the sand (as well as getting the sand off mixed with cream is not exactly easy, creams attract insects)

La however, sunscreen is essential for the face and arms.

Port long pants, avoiding jeans (in the desert they are the worst), again for the problem of sand. Trekking or linen pants are much better. If you want something that you can also use as shorts, take a look at those that allow you to detach the underside with a special zipper.

Avoid skirts too
 What do you do if you wanted to go for a camel ride, sand-boarding or all those amazing things to do in the desert?

Bring closed shoes: sandals keep cool but the sand can be hot during the day. As usual, teva sandals like mine are great for the evening
 with a nice pair of wool socks. During the day, the most suitable shoes are trekking shoes.

Don't forget about the beautiful ones technical socks. Better to bring at least two or 3 pairs: there is nothing worse than wearing wet socks (because used the day before)!

For the evening bring heavier clothes:thermal excursion in the desert it is strong with not negligible temperature changes. If camping, bring a sleep suit, thermal underwear, and soft, warm socks.

In short, even if it is hot (indeed especially if it is hot) cover yourself. After all, have you ever seen a desert Bedouin discovered? If they don't do it, they live there, there will be a reason ...

Un long but light clothing it also saves you from any insect bites.

Bring a hat too, if you don't have pashmina or a scarf as I advised you earlier.

How to dress in Morocco month by month!

I think it's important to know more or less what will the weather be like in Morocco when you decide to visit it also to know what to pack.

Below is an idea of ​​the climate month by month, if you have any questions or doubts leave them in the comments!

January and February: temperatures in Marrakech in these 2 months range from 4 ° in January (minimum temperature) to 18/20 ° as maximum temperatures. In the desert and in the mountains of the High Atlas it could get colder.

March: temperatures rise and range from 9 ° to 23/24 ° during the day. During the day, therefore, spring clothing is fine, but in the evening it could still be cold, bring a jacket!

April and May: temperatures are still rising, from 11 ° to 30 °. If you only visit Marrakech you can bring light clothing.

June, July and August: during the day it starts to get really hot; bring summer clothes that circulate the air and keep you cool, linen and cotton are ideal fabrics. However, don't forget a light down jacket or a sweatshirt for the evenings. Bring warmer clothing if you visit the mountains or the desert (especially for the evening)

September and October: the evenings cool down. During the day it is still hot and therefore summer clothing is recommended.

November and December: temperatures drop again, on average from 9 ° to 19 ° in cities like Marrakech.

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