Zaragoza, the capital of Aragon, has a very lively pace of life and the prices are very advantageous (not only for the stay but also for travel and accommodation expenses) so we suggest a weekend in this country. Recognized city of art, Zaragoza offers the possibility of visiting all the works that belong to it on foot along the road that leads to the center. During your stay in Zaragoza it is essential to visit the stone monastery y slice. The latter has an Italian Renaissance style and in the past was used as a stock exchange and center for commercial negotiations. To all these works from the past is added one from the present that bears the name of the Water Tower created for the 2008 Expo.
La Basilica Pilar y st savior cathedral They are among the most important basilicas in Zaragoza. Given their beauty and magnificence, they are destinations that tourists must visit. The Basilica del Pilar is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and is a fundamental point for the Catholic religion. It has a large major dome and 10 smaller ones. Built around 1681, it features countless frescoes, marbles, bronzes and silver. The Cathedral of San Salvador is located near the Roman Forum of Augustus and the Taifa Major Mosque. In general it is characterized by a Romanesque style with a neoclassical façade with an adjacent bell tower.
By organizing a weekend in Zaragoza it will be possible to take advantage of some discounts regarding museums: Free entry. Here you cannot miss a visit to the Zaragoza museum. It is the oldest and is divided into archeology and fine arts sections. The History Center follows a different line because it tries to connect history by hooking it to current issues. Lovers of contemporary art can visit the museums dedicated to Pablo Serrano and Pablo Gargallo.
Lovers worldly life and fun, they will only have to wait in Zaragoza at one in the morning to start dancing. It begins no earlier than 22 p.m. and ends at dawn. It all starts with an aperitif that lasts past midnight. From here everyone moves to the clubs to continue the celebrations until four in the afternoon the next day. In conclusion, it is good to know that organizing a weekend in Zaragoza is not as expensive as in the capital. The cost of the flight is very low and varies depending on the airline chosen. The price of the stay and overnight stay are also affordable.
Images: Depositphotos