11 things to do and see on the Island of Elba

11 things to do and see on the Island of Elba
Elba island
11 things to do and see on the Island of Elba

If you think of Elba as just one island sea, Sun e beaches you are very wrong. Of course, considering the one hundred and more kilometers of coastline, the error of assessment is more than justified; the fact remains that the things to do and see are much more than the numerous and beautiful beaches. Seven municipalities, about twenty towns and one over a thousand years of history make the island of Elba a concentrate of history, art and culture that cannot be reduced to the tourist-seaside imaginary alone. Without forgetting the big one nature of the island that gives wonderful excursions, from the summit of Mountain huts mining quarries on the eastern side. And that's not all, because then there are the other islands of the Tuscan archipelago to see: starting with Lily, despite itself having jumped to the headlines for the sinking of the Costa Concordia, passing through Pianosa, a former maximum security prison, to the legendary island of Montecristo, made famous by the famous novel by Alexandre Dumas. In short, one holiday on Elba it's a'unforgettable experience and, most importantly, it is an experience suitable for everyone: for those traveling alone; to couples looking for romance; to families with children in tow, eager to ensure a little more freedom for their children. Below, our personal list of things to do on Elba. Happy reading.
(on the cover Porto Azzurro)

1 Fetovaia beach

There are 150 beaches on the island of Elba, so describing them all is objectively difficult, even if fascinating. Fetovaia, in the municipality of Campo nell'Elba, however, it seems to have that extra "something" that makes the difference between a beautiful place and a wonderful one. Much of the credit certainly goes to the bottom of White sand which contributes to turquoise color of the bay but, apart from the sand, it is the whole landscape that leaves you speechless. One Caribbean scenery with the small, homonymous promontory that surrounds the bay protecting it from the wetter winds coming from the north. The only drawback is the crowding in the summer months, especially in August. A must see!

2 Civic Archaeological Museum of Portoferraio

Opened in the 1985, the Civic Archaeological Museum it is a must for anyone who is really interested in learning more about the millenary history of Elba. The finds, in fact, cover a period of time that goes from the seventh century. BC to V AD. Practically from the Etruscans to the Romans, the peoples who have guaranteed centuries of prosperity and prosperity on the island by strengthening its commercial vocation linked above all to the mining industry of iron and other minerals of which the territory is very rich. To say, there is evidence of intense trade with Ischia, the first colony of Magna Graecia, colonized in the seventh century BC by Calcidesi and Eretriesi (coming from the island of Euboea) precisely to make it a commercial outpost in the western Mediterranean basin. Luxury goods, such were considered ceramics and perfumes from the East, in exchange for Elban iron. These and many other details are meticulously described in didactic panels accompanying the finds located in the two rooms of the Linguella, a watchtower and defense built in the XNUMXth century by Cosimo I de 'Medici to ward off the attacks of the Turkish piracy. The tower was repeatedly transformed into maximum security prison: they were locked up here Giovanni Passanante, the anarchist who in 1878 attempted the life of King Umberto I, and in 1933 the anti-fascist Sandro Pertini, unforgotten President of the Italian Republic. The outside is also beautiful and panoramic, with the view from above of Portoferraio, the largest and most populated of the seven municipalities into which the island is administratively divided.

Working Time:
Christmas time (20 - 22 December and 27 - 29 December)
From April 20 to November 3:
10-12.30 / 14.30 -18.40


3 Napoleonic Residences Museum

In addition to the Etruscans, the Romans, the Medici dynasty, the mining industry, the beaches, the landscape, excursions, nature, etc. the island of Elba is known throughout the world forexile of Napoleon Bonaparte following the Treaty of Fointainbleau of 1814. After the heavy military defeats suffered at the hands of the Sixth coalition (vast political-military alliance between Great Britain, the Russian Empire, Prussia, Sweden, the Austrian Empire and some German states) Napoleon was granted a dignified exit from the scene with the establishment of Principality of the island of Elba. A tiny sovereign state to allow the emperor to keep the noble titles in exchange for the definitive renunciation of any dynastic right on French territory. Napoleon Bonaparte, as we know, did not comply with the agreement, but in the approximately ten months of the Principality's life (May 4, 1814 - February 26, 1815) he devoted himself equally to the government of the island. Among the first acts, the acquisition of two residences for the organization of the cohort which also included the elderly mother and her sister Paolina. These two locations, Palazzina dei Mulini (urban residence, pictured) e Villa San Martino (country residence) have been transformed into a museum and there are preserved furnishings, relics and period furniture that testify to the grandeur of the Napoleonic season. In the first residence the imposing library of the Emperor is visible, while in the "maison rustique" of Villa San Martino the works of art present were later placed by Anatolium Demidoff, husband of Matilda of Manfort, nephew of Bonaparte.

Working Time Palazzina dei Mulini - Piazzale Napoleone - Portoferraio
> Weekdays: 8.30 / 18.00
>> Holidays: 8.30 / 13.00
Closed every Tuesday; January 1st; 25th December

full: 5,00 € uro
Reduced: 2,50 € uro


Villa San Martino opening hours - locality San Martino - Portoferraio
>> Weekdays: 8.30 / 19.30
>> Holidays: 8.30 / 13.30
Closed every Monday; January 1st, May 1st and December 25th

full: 5,00 € uro
Reduced: 2,50 € uro

More info: http://www.sbappsae-pi.beniculturali.it/index.php?it/149/portoferraio-li-museo-nazionale-delle-residenze-napoleoniche-dellisola-delba

4 Sant'Ilario al Campo

In Campo nell'Elba there is not only the beautiful Fetovaia beach. Also the fraction of Sant'Ilario absolutely worth a visit. According to many, this is where the "genius loci”Of the island, its true essence. Getting lost in the narrow streets of this small village is one of the most beautiful experiences you can have on Elba. THE flowered balconies, the very clean alleys and entirely paved they tell the story better than many words peace and peacefulness that surrounds a place that has preserved its medieval structure almost intact. To be seen!

5 Monte Capanne

The ascent to Monte Capanne, 1019 meters above sea level, is one of the things to do "by force" once on Elba. The paths to get to the top are different, even if the most suitable solutions are two, both starting from Marciana, one of the seven municipalities into which the island is administratively divided (not to be confused with the almost homonymous Marciana Marina). The first option, comfortable and suggestive, is the Cabinovia located in Pozzatello locality a stone's throw from the town center. Opened to the public in 1963, it has 54 cabins and takes about 18 minutes (ascent and descent time) from the valley station (346 masl) to the arrival station (963 masl) just below the summit. The times they are from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 14.20 to 17.00 with one hour break from 13.20 to 14.20. For the excursion on foot it takes about three hours and is not very difficult, even if it is preferable to do it in the presence of a hiking guide given the ease with which, in various points, it is possible to get lost for those who are not local. That said, the show is great in the woods of holm oaks, chestnut, the typical shrubs of Mediterranean scrub and an equally rich fauna that includes species of all kinds: come on fallow deer al Peregrine Falcon, passing by buzzards, Up to mouflons planted on Elba in the 80s. Last but not least the view: apart from the islands ofTuscan archipelago, on particularly clear days the view reaches as far as Corsica. The top.

6 A dip in the Ghiaie

One hundred and more kilometers of coastline, dozens and dozens of more or less hidden coves and then you discover that a beautiful beach is located at center of Portoferraio, not far from the port of embarkation for Piombino. True, we put first Fetovaia; this does not mean that the Ghiaie beach is also worthy from a landscape-environmental point of view. For three reasons, at least: the first is the white pebbles that draw the beach; the second is the position that makes it particularly suitable when the winds blow from the south (on Elba it is a good idea to choose the beach to go to depending on the wind); the third is the biological protection of the surrounding marine area up to the beautiful "Scoglietto", islet of the Tuscan archipelago surmounted by a small Lighthouse with photovoltaic action. In the stretch of water of the Ghiaie fishing is strictly forbidden to protect the vast meadows of Posidonia Oceanica, seagrass that absorbs a large amount of carbon dioxide, contrasting the acidification of the seas and favoring, on the other hand, the biodiversity of the marine environment. Not surprisingly, Le Ghiaie is one of the favorite diving spots for lovers of Diving and the snorkeling.

7 Terme San Giovanni

Among the many things, the island of Elba is also a renowned one spa town. Since 1963, the Terme San Giovanni in Portoferraio are a safe point of reference for those who need to carry out a complete cycle of treatments based on mud, baths, inhalations and aerosols (in agreement with SSN). The structure is immersed in a well-kept park-garden drawn with flower beds, palm trees and eucalyptus trees. Over the years, alongside the health function, a recreational function has also developed that has grown in tandem with the ideology of wellness. There is therefore no shortage sauna, Turkish bath, hydromassage pool, emotional showers e gym for those who want to treat themselves to a weekend of pure relaxation with their spouse or partner. to know more on the Terme San Giovanni: www.termeisoladelba.it

8 Mining park

A park within the park (the national one of the Tuscan Archipelago). This is how the Mining Park of the Island of Elba was defined, created with the dual intent of conserving and enhancing what remains of the great iron mining industry the first traces of which, as we have already said (see Archaeological Museum), date back to the Etruscan period. It begins with a visit to Museum which is located in the historic center of Rio Marina. Over 600 square meters of exhibition space where the main minerals extracted in Elba's quarries are kept and cataloged: elbaite, hematite, pyrite, quartz etc. The corollary is vintage photos that tell the work of the miners and the machinery used in the mining activities which ended definitively in the 80s of the last century. After the Museum it's up to excursions, from train ride to hiking routes real, always accompanied by environmental guides local. An advice: do not forget to take your camera with you: the colors and reflections of the minerals give wonderful photos to be jealously guarded. For information on the activities of the Mining Park (visiting hours, excursions, reservations, prices) visit: www.parcominelba.it

9 Capoliveri

Among the many outdoor activities that it is possible to do in Elba woe to forget the mountain bike. Not surprisingly, on the path that leads to Mount Calamita (413 masl) in 1994 the Italian round of the Grunding MTB world championship was held. Today this route (it must be said, particularly demanding) is one of the 5 of the Capoliveri Bike Park. Each identified by a different color and duly marked by signs along the way, these tracks offer unique emotions to mountain bike enthusiasts who, in complete safety, have the opportunity to ride in the midst of the luxuriant nature of this side of the island of Elba. . But it is not over because the municipality of Capoliveri is also sea, beaches (Stagnone, Calanova, Straccoligno etc.) and ... sensations. Especially nice stop in the square at dusk and enjoy the landscape all around. Romantic!

10 Giglio Island

Coming on holiday to Elba means coming on holiday to the Tuscan archipelago. So why not dedicate a day to the nearby island of Giglio? Of course, there are also the others (Pianosa, Giannutri, Montecristo), but the Giglio to the many landscape-environmental beauties joins aspecial atmosphere Made of appetizers in the evening, little ones restaurants fish based, excursions, Mediterranean architecture (the houses overlooking the sea of Lily Porto) and much, much more. THE connections from Elba (Porto Azzurro) are frequent and, in just under an hour, you can reach this small island which, in spite of itself, has jumped to the headlines for the shipwreck of the Costa Concordia. Tragedy that however brought out the great humanity of the local community awarded in 2013 by the medal for civil valor by the then President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano. And one realizes the values ​​of the inhabitants of Giglio even when dealing with us as “simple” tourists. Apparently grumpy like all islanders, they are actually a supportive community and well disposed towards others. In short, thehospitality is at home and makes a difference. To be seen!

11 Nightlife

Better to make it clear immediately that Elba is not Ibiza nor Mykonos. In short, if you have that type of situation in mind, you are off track. That said, the nightlife on the largest of the smaller Italian islands is sufficiently lively. As in all seaside resorts i Beach party (very popular is the Cavoli beach, in the municipality of Campo nell'Elba) and pre-evening aperitifs, but there are plenty of them discotheques (64 Club in Portoferraio; Butterfly in Marina di Campo; Deco in Capoliveri) and clubs with live music. In short, in the summer months Elba is absolutely an island for young people who, between outdoor activities (diving, snorkeling, kayaking, surfing, windsurfing, kitesurfing, trekking, mountain biking, etc.) and nightlife (without exaggerating) have something to enjoy. .

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