More and more tourists are dedicating themselves to activities in nature, to admire the wonders that only nature can offer us. He ornithology, although it requires a good dose of patience, it is ideal for having a new look at the world of birds. Just arm yourself with some binoculars and wait, well protected so as not to disturb the birds. But what are the places where it is possible to practice this activity? Here are some truly extraordinary ones in Italy.
Along the Tuscan coasts we find the Lake Massaciuccoli and the beautiful wetland area that surrounds it. In this paradise, included within a LIPU oasis precisely for its biodiversity, you can admire beautiful specimens of gray heron and white heron, as well as many other species of birds. And if in summer it is the swallows and wading birds that enrich the delightful panorama of the marshes, during the cold season the bravest can follow the migratory path of the cormorants.

In Puglia there are several marshy areas, but it is the Gravina de Laterza to attract our attention. This deep incision in the earth, an authentic canyon with very steep walls, has an impressive faunal heritage. Some areas of the ravine are almost inaccessible, which has allowed the proliferation of nests and shelters for various animal species. Numerous birds of prey are found here, including the peregrine falcon and the eagle owl. But also endangered birds, such as the Egyptian vulture.

Let's now move on to Sardinia, a few steps from the city of Cagliari. Despite the proximity to the urban center, we can find an uncontaminated landscape of singular beauty: this is the Parque Molentargius, a complex of coastal ponds that has attracted bird watchers from all corners of Italy for many years. In fact, here it is possible to admire the splendid pink flamingos, which have become the symbol of the park. And then, between migratory and nesting specimens, we can find up to 200 volatile species.

Wild nature and stunning views: the Parque Conero, with its incredible view of the Adriatic Sea, is a spectacular place. But it is not its splendid beaches that attract us. Between lush foliage and rocky outcrops, this promontory overlooking the blue waters hides an authentic faunal heritage. In recent years, LIPU has included it among the top ten places for bird watching, and it is also possible to do a guided excursion in the company of an ornithologist to discover all the wonders of birds.

Finally here it is Foce dell'Isonzo Natural Reserve, an enormous extension crossed by the last section of the river, until its mouth into the sea. Here is the Isola della Cona, which has a unique ecosystem in the world: between mallards and teals, coots and ducks, more than 320 species of birds have been recorded. We can get lost in walking or cycling tours, or simply take a stand and point our eyes to the sky. The show won't be long in coming.