Where to stay in Fuerteventura

If you are planning a trip to Fuerteventura for the first time it is very important to understand what is the best area to stay.

The choice depends on many factors: the period of stay, the style of travel, but above all your preferences and needs. If you are looking for a quiet and relaxing place, if you prefer a more animated area, or if you are a lover of the most characteristic villages.

In this article you will find out which are the best areas where to sleep in Fuerteventura for every type of traveler: for a family vacation, for a couple's stay, for young nightlife lovers or for water sports enthusiasts.

In short, there is something for all tastes, just know the characteristics of the island and the main tourist resorts.

Where to sleep in Fuerteventura

Where to stay in Fuerteventura

The first question that most people who decide to visit the island ask me is: what is the least windy part of Fuerteventura?

It is actually impossible to indicate an area with less wind and it is impossible to know how much wind there will be in a given period.

However, there are areas a little more sheltered and periods where the wind is calmer, usually from late August to early November. In any case, if one day there is a lot of wind on one side you can easily move to other more sheltered locations.

I therefore recommend choosing the area to stay in Fuerteventura according to your tastes.

The main tourist areas are three:

  • North Zone: Corralejo or El Cotillo
  • Central Area: Caleta de Fuste
  • South Zone: Costa Calma or Morro Del Jable

The ideal would be divide the living room into 2 stages: a few days in the north in Corralejo and a few days in the south in Morro Jable. These are the 2 perfect bases for visiting the island.

In this way you will be able to visit every part of the island, without stressing yourself too much and optimizing your movements.

However, Fuerteventura is not very big, we are talking about 120 km from north to south, so if you have a few days or prefer to avoid traveling, then you can also opt for a fixed base.

In that case I recommend you to stay in the north of Fuerteventura, between Corralejo and El Cotillo and dedicate a couple of days to visit the southern area.

Alternatively, you could evaluate the central area of ​​Caleta de Fuste, well positioned and with a beach generally more sheltered from the winds. However, keep in mind that this is a less authentic area, frequented mainly by families with children and groups of the elderly.

Now let's see in detail the best places to sleep in Fuerteventura.

1. Corralejo: The liveliest area, perfect for young people

Where to stay in Fuerteventura

Corralejo is the ideal base to stay in Fuerteventura. The town offers a bit of everything, there is a wide choice of tourist facilities, there are beautiful beaches and above all it is the most lively place in the evening, you will find clubs with live music, restaurants and shops.

In addition to the beautiful coves of the town in the port area, the real strength of Corralejo is the Natural Park of the Dunes; one of the most fascinating landscapes of Fuerteventura, a vast expanse of white sand bathed by turquoise waters.

Where to stay in Fuerteventura

Also a few kilometers from Corralejo is El Cotillo with the wonderful La Concha beach.

From the port of Corralejo you can go on excursions to the wild islet of Isla Lobos and to Lanzarote.

2. El Cotillo: Quiet and Characteristic Area with beautiful beaches

Where to stay in FuerteventuraIf you are looking for a more characteristic place, the small fishing village di El Cotillo (20 km from Corralejo), is the ideal choice where to sleep in Fuerteventura.

El Cotillo is a very quiet village, there is no classic seafront promenade but there are excellent restaurants, bars, shops and a good choice of tourist facilities.

One more reason to stay in El Cotillo is the stunning La Concha, a white sand beach lapped by calm and crystal clear waters, considered by many to be the most beautiful on the island.

Moreover, thanks to the walls of volcanic rocks you can shelter from the wind, even on the windiest days.

To the left of the Toston Lighthouse, on the other hand, there are beaches more subject to winds and perfect for lovers of water sports, such as surfing or kitesurfing.

If you are looking for something more lively one evening, you can always go to Corralejo or to nearby Lajares, where you can find excellent restaurants.

3. Lajares: Authentic Atmosphere and Great Location

Another strategic base for visiting the north of the island is Lajares, a small village located inland between El Cotillo and Corralejo. The area is very quiet but there are all the services: a large supermarket and several restaurants, bars and bakeries.

The location, even if not on the sea, is very convenient to reach the wonderful beaches of El Cotillo, and you will also be close to the best trekking routes, such as the famous Calderon Hondo.

So if you do not need to stay directly on the sea, but are looking for something more characteristic and authentic, Lajares can be a valid option.

4. Caleta de Fuste: Central and sheltered beach, ideal for families

Where to stay in Fuerteventura

A strategic area to stay in Fuerteventura is undoubtedly Caleta de Fuste, it is close to the airport and is located in the center of the island, about 40 km south of Corralejo and 70 km north of Morro Jable.

Caleta de Fuste is a tourist center with an artificial half-moon shaped beach, usually more sheltered and with calm waters, suitable for families with children.

In the evening, however, Caleta de Fuste does not offer much only a few restaurants and clubs frequented mainly by German and Northern European tourists of rather advanced age. If you are young and looking for a little night life better Corralejo.

For a family stay with children Caleta de Fuste can be fine, although there isn't much in the evening you can always take a stroll along the promenade.

5. Costa Calma: Some of the most beautiful beaches on the island

Where to stay in Fuerteventura

Costa Calma is a succession of large hotels and residences directly on the beach, but even here in the evening you will find very little.

Costa Calma, however, is famous for its wonderful white beaches, including the splendid beach of Sotavento, a paradise for windsurfing and kitesurfing.

But be careful because despite the name "Costa Calma" here the wind is often very strong especially between July and the end of August, the period in which the windsurfing world championships are organized.

6. Morro del Jable: Perfect base for visiting the South

Where to stay in Fuerteventura

If you choose to do a few days also in the South area, Morro Jable is the ideal choice where to sleep in Fuerteventura. In the evening there is always a bit of movement, there is no shortage of restaurants, shops and clubs where you can listen to live music.

Morro Jable is perfect for lovers of long walks, with its beautiful promenade where you can stroll and shop.

Once a small fishing village, Morro Jable is now an ever-expanding tourist center, full of hotels and resorts.

The town's beach is beautiful, known as Matorral beach, an immense expanse of fine sand, bathed by a crystalline sea. The beach is frequented by cute squirrels looking for peanuts!

For accommodation you can choose the old area, more characteristic with small family-run apartments located near the pedestrian area and the seafront where there are restaurants and tapas bars. Or the new area right at the beginning of the village with the various hotels in front of Playa Matorral.


We have seen in detail the characteristics of the main tourist resorts of Fuerteventura, now you will surely be able to choose the best one. Let's do a quick recap!

Where to sleep in Fuerteventura Families: Fuerteventura is a perfect island for a family trip, so almost all the areas listed are fine. Better to prefer beaches sheltered from winds and currents. Caleta de Fuste is a good option but Corralejo or El Cotillo are also fine.

Fuerteventura per fare Surf: If you come to Fuerteventura mainly to surf, the West Coast is for you.

Fuerteventura areas for young people: Corralejo is certainly the best place, the one with a younger tourism and with the most choice of clubs, bars and restaurants.

Where to stay in Fuerteventura in Winter: In this period all areas are fine, so choose according to your preferences.

Best area in summer: during the summer months and in particular from July to the end of August the wind increases, it is better to avoid the Costa Calma area.

Where to stay in Fuerteventura

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